Free Guided Self-Hypnotherapy For Quitting Vaping - Script & Video

Free Guided Self-Hypnotherapy For Quitting Vaping - Script & Video
By YJ Kim | 2024-09-06T14:36:21.000Z

Hypnotherapy is a powerful alternative to traditional self-healing methods, providing direct access to the subconscious mind, a holistic approach to healing, and rapid results. Its ability to empower individuals through self-hypnosis and its compatibility with other therapeutic modalities further enhance its effectiveness. If you’re seeking a transformative experience that addresses the root causes of your challenges, consider exploring hypnotherapy.

For a modern and personalized approach to hypnotherapy, visit Hypnothera AI and discover how you can harness the power of self-hypnosis to achieve your healing goals.

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Guided Self-Hypnosis Script for Quitting Vaping

Welcome. I'd like you to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Take a moment to adjust your position if needed... Excellent. Now, I invite you to take a deep breath in through your nose... and exhale slowly through your mouth... Again, breathe in deeply... and exhale... One more time, breathe in... and out... Allow your body to settle more comfortably with each breath... As you continue breathing naturally, I'd like you to bring your attention to your feet. Notice any sensations there - perhaps the feeling of your shoes, or the floor beneath you... Now, gradually shift your focus up to your legs... becoming aware of any tension you may be holding there... As you exhale, imagine that tension melting away... Moving up to your hips and lower back... again, noticing any areas of tightness... and with each exhale, allowing those muscles to soften and relax... Bring your awareness to your stomach and chest... noticing the gentle rise and fall as you breathe... With each inhale, imagine filling your body with calm, soothing energy... and with each exhale, releasing any remaining tension or stress... Continue up to your shoulders and neck... areas that often hold a lot of tension... As you breathe out, let that tension dissolve... Feel a wave of relaxation flowing down your arms... all the way to your fingertips... Now, focus on your face... Your jaw may be clenched without you realizing it... Allow it to relax... Soften the muscles around your eyes... Let your forehead smooth out... As you continue breathing slowly and deeply, you may notice a sense of heaviness in your body... This is a sign of deep relaxation... Embrace this feeling... Let it spread throughout your entire being... <pause/> As you relax more deeply with each breath, I'd like you to imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase... This staircase has ten steps, leading down to a place of complete relaxation and inner calm... In a moment, we'll begin descending these steps... With each step down, you'll find yourself becoming twice as relaxed as you were before... Take the first step down now... Feeling yourself relax even more... Another step down... Doubling your relaxation... Step three... Sinking deeper into tranquility... Four... Five... Halfway there, feeling so calm and at ease... Six... Seven... Your body feeling heavier and more relaxed with each step... Eight... Nine... Almost there... And ten... You've reached the bottom of the staircase, entering a state of profound relaxation... <pause/> You find yourself in a serene garden... The air is crisp and clean... Take a deep breath, savoring the pure, fresh air filling your lungs... As you exhale, imagine releasing all the toxins and stress from your body... This garden represents your inner sanctuary - a place of healing and transformation... As you explore this garden, you come across a clear, sparkling stream... The sound of water gently flowing over smooth stones is soothing and calming... Take a moment to listen... Let the peaceful sound wash over you, cleansing your mind of any worries or distractions... <pause/> Now, I'd like you to imagine a version of yourself standing before you... This is you as you truly want to be - free from the habit of vaping, vibrant, and healthy... Notice how this version of you stands tall and confident... How they breathe easily and deeply... Their eyes are clear and bright... Their skin glows with health... This is the real you, beneath the layers of habit and addiction... Take a moment to connect with this version of yourself... Feel the strength and vitality radiating from them... This is the person you're becoming with each passing day... With each moment you choose not to vape, you're moving closer to this ideal self... <pause/> Now, I'd like you to think back to when you first started vaping... You were 24, believing it was a cool and harmless alternative to smoking... But now you know differently... You've realized the impact it's had on your health - the headaches, the anxiety when you can't vape, the constant craving... Take a moment to acknowledge these realizations... It's okay to feel frustrated or disappointed... These feelings are signs that you're ready for change... <pause/> I want you to imagine taking all of those negative experiences - the headaches, the anxiety, the cravings - and gathering them into a bundle... Now, walk over to the stream in your garden... As you stand on the bank, see yourself releasing that bundle into the water... Watch as the current carries it away, dissolving and disappearing downstream... Feel the relief as these burdens are lifted from you... <pause/> Now, turn your attention back to your ideal self... The version of you that's free from vaping... Notice how much easier they breathe... How much clearer their mind is... How much more energy they have... This is the future you're moving towards with every moment you choose not to vape... I want you to step forward and merge with this ideal version of yourself... As you do, feel their strength and vitality becoming your own... Their clear lungs are now your lungs... Their calm mind is now your mind... Their freedom from addiction is now your freedom... Take a deep breath, feeling this new sense of well-being fill every cell of your body... <pause/> As you stand here, fully integrated with your ideal self, I want you to think about your typical day... The moments when you'd usually reach for your vape... When you wake up in the morning... As you're drinking your coffee... After meals... During your commute... After working out... For each of these moments, I want you to imagine a new, healthier response... When you wake up, instead of reaching for your vape, see yourself taking a few deep, energizing breaths... Filling your lungs with clean, fresh air... Feeling invigorated and ready to start your day... As you drink your morning coffee, imagine savoring the aroma and taste more fully... Without the interference of vaping, you're able to appreciate the rich flavors in a whole new way... After meals, picture yourself taking a short walk... Feeling satisfied by your food and energized by the gentle movement... No need for a vape to feel complete... During your commute, see yourself listening to uplifting music or an interesting podcast... Your mind clear and focused, absorbing new information or simply enjoying the rhythm... After working out, visualize yourself drinking cool, refreshing water... Feeling proud of your body and the effort you've put in... Knowing that each workout is making you stronger and healthier... <pause/> Now, Daniel, I want you to imagine yourself a few weeks from now... You've successfully quit vaping... Notice how much better you feel... Your headaches have diminished... The anxiety you used to feel when you couldn't vape is gone... Instead, you feel a sense of calm confidence... Your cardiovascular health has improved... You can take deep, full breaths without any discomfort... Your energy levels are higher... You feel more in control of your life... <pause/> As you continue on this journey, there may be moments of challenge... Times when the urge to vape feels strong... When these moments come, I want you to remember this garden... This place of inner strength and clarity... Take a deep breath, and remind yourself of all the benefits you're gaining by staying vape-free... Remember, too, that you have the power to redirect your cravings towards something positive... When you feel the urge to vape, see yourself engaging in a healthy alternative... Maybe it's taking a few deep breaths... Or doing some quick stretches... Or even just taking a moment to feel proud of your progress... Each time you choose one of these alternatives over vaping, you're reinforcing your commitment to health and freedom... <pause/> Now, I'd like you to imagine yourself sharing your success with others... Picture yourself telling a close friend about your decision to quit vaping... Feel the pride in your voice as you describe how much better you feel... Imagine their support and encouragement... Even if you've kept your vaping habit a secret from family, allow yourself to feel the strength that comes from being true to your own health goals... <pause/> As we prepare to conclude this session, I want you to take a moment to fully appreciate the journey you're on... Every moment you choose not to vape is a victory... Every deep, clean breath is a gift to yourself... You're reclaiming your health, your freedom, and your future with each passing day... In a moment, I'm going to count from one to five... As I do, you'll gradually become more aware of your surroundings... You'll bring with you all the insights and positive feelings from this session... When I reach five, you'll open your eyes, feeling refreshed, motivated, and empowered... One... Starting to become more aware of your body... Two... Feeling energy returning to your limbs... Three... Becoming more aware of the sounds around you... Four... Almost ready to open your eyes... Five... Open your eyes and take a deep, energizing breath... Welcome back, Daniel. As you go about your day, remember the strength and clarity you felt in your inner garden... Remember the vision of your ideal, vape-free self... And remember that with each breath, each moment, you're moving closer to that reality... You have the power to choose health, freedom, and vitality... And you're making that choice with every vape-free moment... Well done, and thank you for your commitment to your well-being.