Hypnosis for anxiety cessation

Hypnosis for anxiety cessation
Hypnosis Use Case

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for managing anxiety. During a hypnosis session, you enter a deeply relaxed state where your mind becomes more open to positive suggestions. This allows the hypnotherapist to help reprogram your thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to anxiety.

Through hypnotic suggestions, you can learn to replace anxious thoughts with calming ones, release pent-up stress and tension, and cultivate an overall sense of tranquility. The relaxation techniques used in hypnosis also help counteract the physical manifestations of anxiety like rapid breathing and muscle tightness.

Take Back Control


  • Reduces physical symptoms of anxiety like rapid heartbeat and muscle tension
  • Helps change negative thought patterns that fuel anxiety
  • Promotes a deep state of relaxation and inner calm

Frequently Asked Questions

Is hypnosis safe for treating anxiety?

Yes, hypnosis is considered a safe complementary therapy when performed by a qualified professional. You remain in full control during the hypnosis session.

How many sessions are typically needed?

The number of sessions can vary based on the individual, but most people start seeing benefits after 4-6 sessions. Your hypnotherapist will work with you to determine the ideal treatment plan.

Can hypnosis entirely cure anxiety disorders?

Hypnosis can be extremely helpful for managing anxiety, but it may not entirely cure clinical anxiety disorders on its own. It works best as part of a comprehensive treatment approach that may also include therapy and lifestyle changes.