Overcoming Feelings of Being Disliked
This hypnotherapy session is designed to help you release feelings of being disliked or hated by others, fostering a sense of self-worth and acceptance. Through guided relaxation and positive suggestion, you'll cultivate confidence, attract positive relationships, and embrace your true self.
Session Transcript
Welcome [Pause 4 seconds], today we'll work on overcoming those feelings of being disliked or hated by others [Pause 6 seconds]. Take a few deep breaths to begin relaxing [Pause 8 seconds]. This is a safe space where you can let go of worries and open your mind [Pause 6 seconds]. You're doing great already by taking this step [Pause 4 seconds], I'm here to guide you through this process at your own pace [Pause 6 seconds].
Close your eyes now [Pause 4 seconds], and take another slow, deep breath [Pause 6 seconds]. As you exhale, allow the tensions to leave your body [Pause 8 seconds]. With each breath, you become more relaxed and focused [Pause 6 seconds]. Imagine descending a staircase, going deeper within with each step [Pause 8 seconds]. The deeper you go, the more comfortable you become [Pause 6 seconds].
Picture yourself in a beautiful, peaceful garden [Pause 6 seconds]. The sun is warm on your skin as you take in the sights and sounds around you [Pause 8 seconds]. You can smell the fragrant flowers blooming nearby [Pause 6 seconds]. In this sanctuary, you feel completely safe and at ease [Pause 8 seconds].
As you continue breathing slowly and naturally [Pause 6 seconds], you become more deeply relaxed with each exhale [Pause 8 seconds]. Any lingering thoughts drift away like clouds [Pause 6 seconds], allowing you to be fully present in this moment [Pause 8 seconds]. You are open and receptive to positive suggestions [Pause 6 seconds].
You are a worthy and valuable person, deserving of respect [Pause 6 seconds]. Any feelings of being disliked are simply misunderstandings [Pause 8 seconds]. You treat others with kindness and compassion [Pause 6 seconds], and in turn, attract positive relationships into your life [Pause 8 seconds]. You have an abundance of good qualities that others appreciate [Pause 6 seconds]. Feelings of acceptance and belonging grow stronger each day [Pause 8 seconds].
In the days ahead, notice how interactions with others become more positive [Pause 6 seconds]. You pick up on warmth and friendliness that you may have overlooked before [Pause 8 seconds]. Your self-confidence blossoms as you let go of doubts [Pause 6 seconds]. Embrace your true self, flaws and all [Pause 8 seconds], for that is what makes you beautifully human and lovable [Pause 6 seconds].
When you're ready, take one final, cleansing breath [Pause 6 seconds]. Gently bring your awareness back to the present moment [Pause 8 seconds]. You emerge from this experience renewed and empowered [Pause 6 seconds], letting the positive suggestions take root in your mind [Pause 8 seconds].
Remember to be patient and kind to yourself on this journey [Pause 6 seconds]. The more you practice self-acceptance, the more it will become second nature [Pause 8 seconds]. I'm proud of the work you've done today [Pause 6 seconds]. Carry that sense of peace and belonging with you always [Pause 8 seconds].