Free Guided Visualization for Tennis Performance - Self Hypnosis

Free Guided Visualization for Tennis Performance - Self Hypnosis
By YJ Kim | 2024-09-06T14:42:06.000Z
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This is a free 10 minute guided hypnosis for tennis performance. If you are looking to improve your tennis, you should amplify your training through visualization. Visualize yourself in the moment; bring yourself into a state of flow sheerly through the power of your mind. Research has shown that visualization, when done right, can be just as effective as physical practice in high level athletes.

Unlike traditional hypnotherapy or hypnosis, Hypnothera provides you with the full script of the session you are about to embark on so that you know exactly what you are about to get!

If you want more personalized self-hypnosis, go to and chat about your specific hypnosis needs.

Full Script:

Welcome. I'm glad you've decided to take this important step towards improving your tennis game and mental state on the court <break time='2s'/> In this session, we'll work together to address your concerns about nervousness and focus, especially as matches progress into later sets <break time='2s'/> By the end of our time together, you'll have powerful mental tools to enhance your performance and enjoyment of the game <break time='3.5s'/>Before we begin, I want you to know that hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention <break time='1s'/> You'll remain in control throughout the entire process <break time='1s'/> and can return to full alertness at any time if needed <break time='2s'/> Your subconscious mind will absorb the positive suggestions we explore, helping you transform your tennis experience <break time='3.5s'/>Now, let's begin by finding a comfortable position <break time='1s'/> You can sit or lie down, whatever feels most natural to you <break time='2s'/> Allow your body to settle into that position, making any final adjustments to ensure you're completely at ease <break time='5s'/>Good. Now, take a deep breath in through your nose <break time='1s'/> feeling the cool air as it enters your body <break time='2s'/> And as you exhale slowly through your mouth, feel a wave of relaxation washing over you <break time='3.5s'/> With each breath, you'll find yourself becoming more and more relaxed <break time='2s'/>Focus your attention on your breathing <break time='1s'/> Notice the gentle rise and fall of your chest and abdomen <break time='2s'/> With each inhale, you're breathing in calm and confidence <break time='1s'/> With each exhale, you're releasing any tension or worry <break time='3.5s'/>As you continue to breathe deeply and rhythmically, begin to notice the weight of your body <break time='1s'/> Feel the points of contact between your body and the surface supporting you <break time='2s'/> With each exhale, allow yourself to sink a little deeper into that support <break time='3.5s'/>Now, I'd like you to imagine a warm, gentle light beginning to surround your body <break time='2s'/> This light represents relaxation and peace <break time='1s'/> As it envelops you, feel it melting away any remaining tension <break time='3.5s'/>Starting from your toes, allow this warm light to slowly move up through your body <break time='1s'/> Feel it relaxing your feet <break time='1s'/> your ankles <break time='1s'/> and your calves <break time='2s'/> Notice how heavy and relaxed your legs become <break time='3.5s'/>The light continues to move upward, relaxing your thighs <break time='1s'/> your hips <break time='1s'/> and your lower back <break time='2s'/> Feel any tension in these areas dissolving away <break time='3.5s'/>As the light reaches your abdomen and chest, notice how your breathing becomes even deeper and more relaxed <break time='2s'/> Feel the warmth spreading through your upper back and shoulders <break time='1s'/> releasing any tightness or stress <break time='3.5s'/>The light now envelops your arms <break time='1s'/> flowing down to your hands and fingertips <break time='2s'/> Feel them becoming heavy and completely at ease <break time='3.5s'/>Finally, the warm light surrounds your neck and head <break time='1s'/> relaxing all the muscles in your face <break time='1s'/> your jaw <break time='1s'/> and even your scalp <break time='2s'/> Allow your mind to become still and peaceful <break time='3.5s'/>You're now in a state of deep relaxation <break time='1s'/> fully at ease <break time='1s'/> yet alert and receptive <break time='2s'/> In this state, your mind is open to positive suggestions that will enhance your tennis performance <break time='3.5s'/>I'd like you now to imagine yourself standing on a tennis court <break time='2s'/> This isn't just any court <break time='1s'/> it's your ideal playing environment <break time='2s'/> Take a moment to notice the details around you <break time='5s'/>Feel the firmness of the court beneath your feet <break time='1s'/> grounding you <break time='1s'/> connecting you to the earth <break time='2s'/> Notice the crisp white lines marking the boundaries <break time='1s'/> clear and precise <break time='3.5s'/>Become aware of the sounds around you <break time='1s'/> Perhaps you hear the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze <break time='1s'/> or the distant murmur of spectators <break time='2s'/> These sounds don't distract you <break time='1s'/> instead, they sharpen your focus <break time='3.5s'/>Now, bring your attention to your body <break time='1s'/> Notice how strong and capable you feel <break time='2s'/> Your muscles are relaxed yet ready for action <break time='1s'/> filled with energy and potential <break time='3.5s'/>In your hand, you hold your racket <break time='1s'/> Feel its familiar weight and grip <break time='2s'/> It's an extension of your arm <break time='1s'/> a natural part of you <break time='3.5s'/>As you prepare to serve, take a deep breath <break time='1s'/> filling your lungs completely <break time='2s'/> As you exhale, feel a wave of calm confidence washing over you <break time='1s'/> Any nervousness you might have felt dissolves away <break time='1s'/> replaced by a sense of focused readiness <break time='5s'/>You toss the ball into the air <break time='1s'/> Time seems to slow down as you watch its arc <break time='2s'/> Your body moves in perfect coordination <break time='1s'/> Your legs bend <break time='1s'/> your arm pulls back <break time='1s'/> then explodes forward to meet the ball at exactly the right moment <break time='5s'/>Hear the satisfying 'thwack' as your racket makes contact <break time='2s'/> Feel the vibration travel up your arm <break time='1s'/> a familiar sensation that tells you you've hit it just right <break time='3.5s'/> Watch as the ball soars over the net <break time='1s'/> landing precisely where you intended <break time='2s'/> A surge of satisfaction and confidence flows through you <break time='5s'/>As the match progresses, you find yourself moving fluidly across the court <break time='2s'/> Your footwork is light and precise <break time='1s'/> Your reactions are quick and instinctive <break time='3.5s'/> You're completely in the zone <break time='1s'/> focused only on the ball and your next move <break time='5s'/>Notice how, even as the game extends into later sets, your energy and focus remain strong <break time='2s'/> Your mind is clear <break time='1s'/> your body energized <break time='3.5s'/> Any fatigue you might normally feel is replaced by a deep reservoir of stamina and determination <break time='5s'/>With each point, your confidence grows <break time='1s'/> You're playing your best tennis <break time='1s'/> focused and relaxed <break time='3.5s'/> If you make a mistake, you recover quickly <break time='1s'/> letting it go and refocusing on the next point <break time='5s'/>As the match nears its end, feel the excitement building within you <break time='2s'/> You're in control <break time='1s'/> playing with skill and determination <break time='3.5s'/> Visualize yourself winning the final point <break time='1s'/> Feel the rush of joy and accomplishment <break time='5s'/>Take a moment to savor this feeling of success <break time='2s'/> Let it fill your body and mind <break time='3.5s'/> This is the state you can return to whenever you step onto the court <break time='5s'/>Now, I'd like you to bring your attention to your breath once more <break time='2s'/> With each inhale, you're breathing in confidence and focus <break time='1s'/> With each exhale, you're releasing any remaining doubt or tension <break time='5s'/>In a moment, I'm going to count from 1 to 5 <break time='1s'/> As I do, you'll begin to return to full wakefulness <break time='1s'/> bringing with you all the positive feelings and visualizations we've explored <break time='3.5s'/>1 -- Becoming more aware of your surroundings <break time='2s'/>2 -- Feeling energy returning to your body <break time='2s'/>3 -- Your mind becoming clear and alert <break time='2s'/>4 -- Begin to move your fingers and toes <break time='2s'/>5 -- Open your eyes, feeling refreshed, confident, and ready to excel on the tennis court <break time='5s'/>Welcome back <break time='1s'/> Take a moment to stretch and fully return to the present <break time='5s'/>Before we conclude, I want to remind you that you can return to this state of calm focus whenever you need it <break time='2s'/> Whether you're practicing or in a match, you have the power to tap into this reservoir of confidence and skill <break time='3.5s'/>Remember, your mind is your most powerful tool on the court <break time='2s'/> With practice, you'll find it easier and easier to maintain your focus and stay calm, even in the most challenging matches <break time='3.5s'/>Thank you for your participation today <break time='1s'/> I encourage you to listen to this recording regularly to reinforce these positive suggestions <break time='2s'/> With each session, you'll find your mental game becoming stronger and your enjoyment of tennis growing <break time='3.5s'/>Good luck, and enjoy your tennis!